Connecting Building Surveyors and Inspectors

Upcoming Events
The mission of the Building Surveyors and Inspectors Group (BSIG) is to
support, unite, promote and educate the Building Surveying and Inspection profession within Victoria.
The Building Surveyors and Inspectors Group (BSIG) was created to unite the building surveying and inspection profession in Victoria. For many years there has been a need for an enhanced connection between council, private and student building surveyors and inspectors within Victoria. Our aim is to encourage communication, collaboration and education between our members.
BSIG were the first in our profession to create an online forum that is inclusive of both private building surveyors and municipal building surveyors for the purpose of connecting our members. This forum has provided a platform to enable the sharing of information and created a peer-to-peer forum for the discussion of issues relating to professional standards and other technical guidance.
Our values are:
To provide vision and leadership for our members
To support the needs of our members by working together to meet the requirements of our profession
To encourage teamwork and cooperation
To be fair, equitable, honest and act with integrity

Contact ACT Curious directly on 0438 922 979 and inform them you have a full membership with BSIG and book in your confidential session.
For student members wishing to access this service, please contact admin@bsig.com.au first, before contacting ACT Curious.
All information will remain strictly confidential.
What is the Mental Health Program (MHP)?
Building Surveyors & Inspectors Group has partnered with ACT Curious to provide you with free confidential counselling and wellbeing services.
ACT Curious therapists are top professionally qualified, clinical social workers, psychologists and counsellors, who will assist you with work or personal problems.
ACT Curious provides video, phone or face to face counselling.
Who can access the MHP?
All full members of the BSIG, and student members with approval of the CEO which will remain confidential can access the MHP.
What difficulties can EAP help me with?
ACT Curious therapists help you learn new ways to deal with the stressors in your life and improve your coping. Some of these can be:
Stress (job or home related)
Workplace problems
Coping with change at work or home
Anxiety and depression
Grief and bereavement
Drug and alcohol related issues
Relationship / family problems
Concerns about family members
Financial stress
What happens in counselling?
Counselling is confidential, caring and focused on your needs. Counselling can help you see things from a different perspective and develop strategies to help you learn to move forward in your valued direction.
Who pays for EAP?
BSIG will pay for 2 x 50 minutes sessions with ACT Curious.
Is counselling confidential?
Yes, ACT Curious is an independant company and confidentiality is assured. Your problems will not be discussed with anyone without your permission unless there is a legal obligation to do so.
How do I access the MHP?
Contact ACT Curious directly on 0438 922 979 and inform them you have a membership with BSIG and book in your session.